Saturday, September 24, 2011

I Try So Hard To Be Happy

I feel like I'm finally settling into the new job. So far, there is quite a lot to take in; some days I'm feeling drained and overwhelmed, and other days I'm feeling anxious. But I'm learning to take it as  it comes, and what ever happens, happens. Hopefully, for a good reason too.

On the upper hand, I am absolutely crazy about this one Cults' tune. The 60s girl group influenced tunes that the indie-pop duo creates are fresh and exciting with just enough nostalgic undertone. The track is the only one that stood out in the entire album and nothing else came close to its superiority. I for one, can't get enough of it. It's all I ever listen to right now.

{mp3}  Cults - You Know What I Mean

:: Cults ::