After the ceremony, sempat ambik gambar Nazwa jer.
Dilarang mengambil gambar dalam studio gambar tu sebenarnya. But I only realized that after I took this shot
Later that night, makan malam Japanese buffet kat Midori.
Cendawan goreng tepung yang sangat sedap.
Variety of Japanese noodle to choose from.
California Roll yang sangat sedap.
Itu Unagi. But I don't eat Unagi.
Udang Tempura yang sangat sedap.
The best green tea ice cream with red bean paste I've ever tasted.
Doriyaki eaten with peanut butter or jam(??).
Hot Japanese Tea jer tak cukup, kena ada jus tembikai jugak .
Counting the days untuk pergi makan kat Midori lagi .