It’s nice to see the blog garnering more visits than ever, even when there's a lack of update. It must be that season I think. Though unfortunate to say, updates will be arriving slower than usual, and by slow I mean not at all. I’m actually slightly disappointed since one of my new year’s resolutions was to update the blog at least once a week; clearly that one went down the drain. Sorry guys, apparently this semester is taking up too much of my time. Did I mention I have a digital blood pressure monitor to build? Which by the way is due this March and which our supervisor predicts that we’ll finish in July? Jeez, talk about underestimating…, for which not to mention he has every right to be.
I don’t think I’ll be updating till after the final year project presentation, which is in April. But who knows, if I find something worthy enough of posting, like say that Strokes 4th record, I might just be able to slip in a post or two. Or three. Or-- well, you get it.
Meanwhile you can visit my
tumblr blog that I try to update daily, of snapshots of things found around the web-- seemingly.