‘Through the Cracks’ is dedicated to the albums by bands and artists that I missed or overlooked throughout this year. These are artists that once graced the pages of this blog and for that reason it would just be uncalled for that I not at least acknowledge them. Granted, some of them do put up some decent if not superb tunage, so taking a dip in their aural creations even at this late of the year proves to be worth the time spent.
.................................................................................................................................................................................Bears -
Simple Machinery

With so many artists to keep up with, you’re bound to forget one or two. The Cleveland pop group Bears and their 2008 release,
Simple Machinery fell into that category, and was not permissible for my part seeing from how much I remembered liking their music. The band breaks no new grounds on their second record, churning out similar breezy, lightweight pop pieces they’ve done before, which no doubt they’ll continue making in the near future. But some of these pop songs are way too subtle and lacks a distinctive personality to even leave a mark in your mind. But when familiarity gets the best of the music, you realize that there are hidden gems on
Simple Machinery which appeals a much greater deal on its own. Like this one for instance:
|mp3| Bears - Wait and See++
MySpace |
Buy.................................................................................................................................................................................Cloud Cult -
Feel Good Ghosts (Tea-Partying Through Tornadoes)

I personally didn’t expect to hear this much variation - from a band I’d thought I had my finger on - on just a single record.
Feel Good Ghosts is Minnesota’s Cloud Cult’s sixth album to date. Essentially you’ll get the predictable aspects of the music genres, which include power pop and alt-folk but on the side, the record also comes equip with electronica, orchestral sweeps, and even a tune where you’ll find frontman’s, Craig Minowa’s warbles replaced for rapping verses instead. Cloud Cult takes you through a rather random course of songs all through the disc. You’ll often be left wondering whether you’re still listening to the same album you were listening to 15 minutes ago. Though this one cut doesn’t help at hinting of what to imagine from the whole record, it helps by making you intrigued enough to advance even further into the musical realms of Cloud Cult.
|mp3| Cloud Cult - Hurricane and Fire Survival Guide++
MySpace |
Buy.................................................................................................................................................................................David Karsten Daniels -
Fear of Flying

Everything feels very comfortable and familiar in David Karsten Daniel’s latest release,
Fear of Flying. If it wasn’t for the endearing whimsicality that had caught my attention in his earlier works, I would’ve treated the music of DKD similar to the rest of the kinfolk of male folk singer/songwriters: with plain disinterest. However on this album, the pacing is more deliberate and hushed; gone are the cathartic moments and idiosyncratic touches that dwelled on most of 2007’s
Sharp Teeth. But in the end, the warmth, and ease, and spareness that fill up the corners of
Fear of Flying makes this one compilation you’ll keep wanting to come back to.
|mp3| David Karsten Daniels - That Knot Unties?++
MySpace |
Buy.................................................................................................................................................................................Dr. Dog -
The Philadelphia band's albums have always sounded like they should be filed alongside "old ones" like the Band, the Beach Boys, the Beatles and the Bonzo Dog Band, but Fate feels less like a straight tribute to Dr. Dog's elders and more like a finely tuned collage. (
Rollingstone) It’s true that Dr. Dog’s music sounds like flat out carbon copies of their predecessors, but if what they’re doing are rather solid imitations, then really I’ve got nothing to complain:
|mp3| Dr. Dog - From++
MySpace |
Buy.................................................................................................................................................................................Earlimart -
Hymn and Her

It isn’t immediately obvious how captivating some of the songs in Earlimart’s new record,
Hymn and Her can come across. Listeners who aren’t careful might find the songs too dreary or restrained, but at closer inspection most of these tunes carry impressive curvatures evocative of wistful 90s melancholic balladry. At the outset, I assumed that I was going to have to drag myself through the entire monotony of the record, but it turns out that Earlimart is a quietly wonderful band and the album is disarmingly beautiful.
|mp3| Earlimart - Before It Gets Better
MySpace |
Buy.................................................................................................................................................................................Moscow Olympics -
Cut the World

Of course to be completely honest, the band Moscow Olympics were never neglected by me. I always had it in mind to keep close attention to this dream pop troupe from the Phillipines, so their mini LP
Cut the World have already received heavy rotations all year long and weeks on end! Moscow Olympics cast their melodic net into the sprawling waters of music that gushes with blissful, stripped down quality, evidently on
Cut the World, where the band continues to crank out stunning pop sculptures that are nothing short of impressive. Jangly guitar tunes has never sounded this divine, I can you tell that.
|mp3| Moscow Olympics - Cut the World++
MySpace |