Of all the lukewarm, insipid comebacks I’ve witnessed this year, and that’s quite a lot namely bands such as Travis, Psapp, PB & J, CSS, AHJ and so on and so forth, there are only a few selected handful who managed to return with great if not better records than their last. Sea and Cake is definitely in the latter category, returning yet again with a follow up to 2007’s Everybody, with
Car Alarm.
Car Alarm may not be the kind of album that’s about to change the course of the band’s career, for displaying the same sort of breezy, laid-back, lounge-pop music they’ve been making for the last fourteen years. But there’s something remarkably relieving and quietly soothing about the music of Sea and Cake. Moreover, Sam Prekop’s breathy, wispy vocal delivery reminds me so much of the faint, distant singing in shoegaze classics, that to decline this record would just seem like a foolish thing to do.
…their idiosyncracies never diminish any of this album’s terrific songs. And when you’ve mastered not only the art of reducing the temperature with music by at least a couple of degrees but also making some of the lightest, crispest but still substance-filled jams in the process, it’d be a shame if they didn’t just keep on playing as they have been.

|mp3| Sea and Cake - Fuller Moon|mp3| Sea and Cake - Car Alarm|mp3| Sea and Cake - Weekend