They’re really starting to grow on me; this all girl rock trio, whose music are heavy reminiscent of the C86 era.
It wouldn’t be complete with a song or two by the Radio Dept.
It starts off with rumbling bass-lines: a throwback to the musical styles of Joy Division. The rest of the song though, is true Radio Dept. at its best. Absolutely brill.
Don't know what it is, but this song feels weighted with a Bob Dylan-esque quality.
|mp3| Beirut - My Night With The Prostitute From Marseille
Despite the awkward if not awful title, this piece proves yet again that Zach Condon’s line of work is consistently impeccable. Impeccable, I tell you.
Just one of the many compelling yet subtle and misty tracks available in Grouper’s latest offering.
|mp3| Mates of State - Get Better
It certainly carries the title well; there’s so much urgency in this song telling you, no, demanding you to get better.
It's Andrew Bird, what more is there to say?
Equal portion of rapid sonics and light strokes of mellow hues makes this song, surprisingly good.
Pete and the Pirates stays within the British indie rock norm in this tune, though it’s still nothing short of a brilliant one.