I had such high hopes that Malaysia could win its first ever Olympic gold medal, and by that I mean, in the whole history of Malaysia’s Olympic participation, not just this year’s game. But I knew I was asking for too much; China’s Lin Dan was an opponent far superior in all levels of department. After losing, quite badly (note: this is an understatement), in the badminton tournament, Malaysia’s, Lee Chong Wei settled for silver, while surrounded by a cheering crowd of Chinese supporters, looking on to their 32nd? 33rd? 42nd? (I lost count) gold medal. Alas, maybe in the coming Olympics our luck would fare better.
I lied. Due to the immense overload of work, I couldn't even live up to the promise of updating at least once a week. But anyway, be sure to check three weeks of posts, I've back-posted. And also, expect no updates till Sunday-- or maybe even later than that.