Call me crazy, but I find Narrow Stairs rather a pleasant album albeit the dark, serious, somber lyrics that dwells in most of it. It’s practically hard not to, especially when served with songs such as ‘No Sunlight’ that contains some of the most charming chords and sweetest melodies you’ll ever hear. It’s no doubt quite an odd pairing, but one that leaves me intrigued to no end. ‘Grapevine Fires’ is another one of the more startling tunes in the record, deftly sketching out ethereal images with and undertone of hushed mystery surrounding a tale where a man brings his lover, and daughter to a cemetery, where they observe the flumes painting the skies grey and the girl dance against a back drop of brush fires-- that is some pretty profound stuff, that is.
But, the award of best track, hands down went to the song ‘Cath’, although I was more prompted to award it to the other more popular 8 minute length song, but changed my mind after realizing that most people didn’t prefer and appreciate the extensive width of the tune. Guitar chords are sent ricocheting across ‘Cath’ at the beginning, with infectious stuttering drums that follow after-- seriously good.

|mp3| Death Cab for Cutie – Cath