Sweet, shimmering, sparkly intro kicks off the track, leading no one to expect that the next continuation of the song, would start off with words like these: We’re all gonna die / we don’t know how / we don’t know when. It’s an odd pairing, clearly; cheery melodies with somber, grave lyrics, in addition to Lekman’s nonchalant style of singing, which also makes you nonchalantly taking in the lyrical content, “We’re gonna die? Oh, that’s fine – wait, what?”. Only towards the end, when Lekman applies his own personal touches to the tune by inserting a whistling section, during which he casually utters, “Whisper along if you’re not immortal…”, is when I really start to crack up, because try as I might I can’t whistle, and Lekman uttering the line almost sounds like he’s mocking me-- as though he’s well aware of my whistling disability.
|mp3| Jens Lekman – Your Beat Kicks Back Like Death