Is anyone looking forward to the Kooks’ new album that’s due this April? I don’t know about you, but I’m extra looking forward to it, and the reason to that, is a reason that I can’t quite string into coherent sentences. But if you really want to know, than the only reply I could give is that, ‘There’s just something about them….’. Though the music doesn’t quite, necessarily make me go ga-ga over them, I know better than to completely ignore the music of the Kooks. Lead singer, Luke Pritchard’s drawls and swerves are uniquely his own, giving the music a twang of originality that exudes a sharp confidence; thrust upon the listeners as if we weren’t given a choice, and immediately grabbing your attention.
This remake of the very auto-tuned song from Ace of Bace’s ‘All that She Wants’ is a fine one. The Kooks managed to do a major complete 180 degrees turnaround while at the same time, breathing into it a new life that it very much had needed. But, most of all, they managed to do what all great covers have in common; they managed to make it their own.

|mp3| The Kooks - All That She Wants (Ace of Base cover)