The Sea and Cake are a band from Chicago that makes nice looking little pop trinkets that you can carry around with you in your pockets. “It’s a rock record” Lead singer, Sam Prekop says. But, then I say, “Where’s the rock?” I don’t find myself head over heels, literally falling for the band, but I don’t really mind their music either. The subtlety and the simpleness of the sounds is sure to lull you, but won’t necessarily leave you with a long lasting impression. The music is soft, and smooth, and gentle, especially when paired with Prekop’s light, breathy non-chalant vocals. Even when in the presence of a distorted, angular guitar riff, opening up to ‘Crossing Line, it’s still able to sound weightless and obscure, thanks to Prekop’s way of singing.
‘Up on Crutches’ and ‘Too Strong’ starts of impressive with perfect grooves and swirling beats, while able to show a lot of potential, but as the rhythyms build up, it almost seems as if the song loses its energy and direction from where it first started off, and that ‘breathy, non-chalance’ can sometimes get to my head . I learned the songs aren’t perfectly hummable to, but monetheless are terrific to be played while driving or that could just quietly slip in to the background. The Sea and Cake makes positively, pleasant tunes, which are very different from the music where you prefer your heart ripped out by ear-piercingly, loud, cranking guitar riffs and punched in the face by fast, hard driven beats. It’s purely pacifiying and it may just be what we’ve needed.
|mp3| The Sea and Cake - Up On Crutches
|mp3| The Sea and Cake - Too Strong
|mp3| The Sea and Cake - Crossing Line