I remember listening to Jojo’s ‘Too Little, Too Late’, and going, “What the hell was I thinking, keeping the song in my computer?” In fact, I didn’t only had the song, I also kept the
video; the whole cheesy singing in the rain stuff (seriously, have
you seen it?). And now, listening to Daniel Rossen’s of Grizzly Bear version of it, still made me went, “What the hell was I thinking-- ” The song sounds completely different, which should be a good thing, but a song by Jojo, will always remain as a song by Jojo, Grizzly Bear or no Grizzly Bear.

If you’re wondering how the cover turned out sounding like, just try listening to their 2006 record,
Yellow House, and-- that pretty much sums it up. Does Miss Jojo approve of this cover? Well, that all depends on her musical taste, and judging from that……, it’s really hard to tell. I gave the cover a listen, and it made me
winced because it was a bit too hard to bear, but it should take a couple of listens before I really start warming up to it-- hopefully.
|mp3| Daniel Rossen (Grizzly Bear) - Too Little, Too Latep/s: too much use of the word, ‘Jojo’ in a single post, is always a bad thing.