|mp3| The Velvet Underground – Lady Godiva’s Operation
The surgery told in the tune is a sex-change operation but was deliberately made to sound like a lobotomy gone fatally wrong, which could be clearly heard in the lines, The ether tube's leaking says someone who's sloppy/the patient it seems is not so well sleeping. Nothing scares the hell out of me more than the goriness of a situation where you’re burying someone who’s still alive, and cutting someone’s head when he’s still breathing *shudders*. Some may like it, but I’m not that ‘some’.
The music is droning and dream-like, with pulsating guitar and bass parts, and a psychedelic electric viola part that is constantly panning from left to right and back, resulting in a dizzying, disorienting feeling. In the second half of the song, Cale and guitarist Sterling Morrison does vocal impersonations of various surgical instruments, including a drill and an iron lung. John Cale delivered the vocals part throughout the song, but there are certain moments where Lou Reed would interfere with his loud, half-sung words hence completely ruining the song’s mood – which you will find kind of amusing. Almost this whole paragraph is ripped off from Wikipedia, except the last bit.
I mean, creativity is good, but plagiarism is great!
Photo by thezephyrsong_tzs