I personally think there’s no need to add a validation, when admitting that you do like music crafted by Psapp, albeit they’re also known as the inventors of toytronica; and just what the hell is toytronica, I hear you ask? It’s electronica music that incorporates sounds that are made by toys or toy instruments. Some of which the bands have used are such as, a toy guitar, toy flute and a chicken they named Brunhilda. Using a chicken to produce sounds in order to create music is beyond me, but I guess that’s not up to me to figure out.
‘Tricycle’ is no oddball in their extensive arrays of pop gems; it’s truly gotten me mesmerized. The sweet, subtle melodies is reassuring, you’d hardly notice it’s made up of toy instruments, unless earlier notified. The indistinguishable sounds add a unique flair with tinkering noises that echoes from a distance makes it all the more incredibly endearing. I love the music, because it’s so restrained, that it needs that little bit of your attention for you to really notice its merit.

|mp3| Psapp – Tricycle