That all these bands are just another version of the Strokes? That’s pretty unfair to say so, although to be honest, I kinda, sorta do see the resemblance. But each band is great in their own right.
The bands that have been made Strokes comparisons:-
The Hives (The Swedish Strokes)

|mp3| The Hives – Hate To Say I Told You So
The Vines (The Aussie Strokes)

Oh, the Vines, they’re great…I would’ve liked them first. If only they were – hotter. Know what I mean?
|mp3| The Vines – Ride
The Killers (The Mormon Strokes)

The Killers do kinda sound like the Strokes in a way, but with a less cooler last name. One word, flower.
|mp3| The Killers – All These Things That I’ve Done
Kings of Leon (The Southern Strokes)

If you’ve put it that way, then yeah maybe this is what the Strokes would’ve sounded like if they were from the south. The Strokes and them are friends and have toured together, so if anything, this Strokes comparison should come off as a compliment.
|mp3| Kings of Leon – Velvet Snow