If you have the chance to view the band in all its entirety, you’ll be able to see that the band means serious business. One way to prove that is the band’s name origin, which was taken from a quote by Beyonce, who supposedly declared that she was "tired of being sexy", which we all know is far from the truth. What with the band being from San Paulo, Brazil, the saying was then translated to Portuguese, hence the name, Cansei de Ser Sexy. (I say “Qui Legal!” to that)
It was in itself a band name, (this I took from their MySpace page) ‘that was fuelled by aggravation towards the empty swagger of faux artists and to celebrate the un-celebrity’. Their music is largely electro-rock influenced and lyrics concerning mainly the pop culture. With songs like ‘Meeting Paris Hilton’ and ‘Let’s Make Love and Listen to Death From Above’, you start to wonder what could possibly go wrong for a band like this.
“An unfinished group that was bravely showing off, turning everything into style”
|mp3| Cansei de Ser Sexy – Off the Hook