It’s been a while that Albert has come out with his solo album called Yours to Keep; it was released at the end of 2006. But, in this part of the region, not many people know of it or are aware of it, so it never is too late to write about his solo project.
Now, I’m not gonna lie and say if you love Strokes music, you’ll definitely love Albert’s new album, because that’s not the way it works. In fact, if you don’t know Albert, and you listen to him, you’ll be shocked to learn that he’s actually a member of the Strokes, because his sound is just so different from the band both musically and lyrically.

But, as soon as you start listening to his other songs like ‘Bright Young Thing’ and ‘Call an Ambulance’, it’s definitely Albert all the way and in no way could you possibly relate it to the Strokes. Except for the background music during the chorus in ‘Bright Young Thing’; that was the same music that was used in the infamous ‘hash scene’ in the DVD. ‘Call an Ambulance’ is such a fun song to listen to, from the very simple and honest lyrics like, ‘I go to talk to her coz…I wanna sleep with her’ to the infectious ‘Lala…lala’ at the end of the chorus.

Although he maybe a good song-writer but he’s not really the best singer I’ve ever heard, but because he’s Albert, so all is forgiven (either way, we still love you Albert). So, I’m actually glad because if there was anyone from the Strokes that would’ve come out with a solo album, I’d prefer Albert because if it was anyone else like Nick or Fab…, I’m not sure. What’s the most mind boggling thing of all – to me, that is – is that Albert’s song (fun, cheery, almost cheesy) is the exact opposite of the Strokes music (depressing, loud, personal lyrics) but at the same time, ironically, those fun, cheery, almost cheesy music is what painfully reminds me of the Strokes as a band. All thanks to the ‘In Transit’ DVD.
|mp3| Albert Hammond Jr. – 101
|mp3| Albert Hammond Jr. – Everyone Get’s a Star
|mp3| Albert Hammond Jr. – Bright Young Thing
This is the best acoustic live version of 'Everyone Get's a Star that I've ever heard. Enjoy.
:: Albert Hammond Jr. ::
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