Well, anyway, in this 4th installment, hamiezah has given me the privilege to choose any new, really good songs from my collection to be posted up. (She clearly has complete trust in my excellent musical taste but however, won’t admit it)
I may be the greatest Beatles fan you’ve ever met; if we were just getting to know each other and are talking for two minutes, you’ll know all about it by the end of those two minutes. Now, don’t go saying I ripped off this script from Mika, although you maybe right but I realized that it could be applied on meself as well. So, when I first heard the Bishops in my friend’s car, I went literally ecstatic, overjoyed to hear something so uniquely refreshing that held a lot of resemblance with the Beatles’ music.
The song, ‘The Only Place That I Can Look Is Down’ totally got me hooked the instant the first note hit me. Ever since then I’ve been addicted to the song (and moreover, the band itself) like a drug-addict is addicted to drugs. The band hails from London and if you’re wondering why do those two guys in the suit look almost identical, well that’s only because they’re twins, whose first names were taken as the band’s name. The other fellow is the cousin, that’s why he’s sporting a different look altogether.
The song is available on the Bishops self titled album, which was released in April this year.

|mp3| The Bishops – The Only Place That I Can Look Is Down